Miley och Mandy dansar till Hoedown Throwdown
Mandy lär sig dansen Hoedown Throwdown, sedan lär dem oss!
Boom snap clap
Ni kanske har sett när Miley och Tori (en cheerleader kompis) lär er en cheerleader dans.
Men ni kanske inte har sett dessa!
Miley is talking
Ur Mileys dagbok - 1
Detta är första gången jag kommer lägga ut en bit från Mileys dagbok!
RUBRIK: Jolie and Madonna
Ok. I don’t know why people love to. misquote me but they do. So when I said “children have no say in the matter” with their pictures being taken I am talking about when psycho paparazzi who follow people around and take pictures of their little ones! It happens with me and Noah all the time! I hate it! It is unfair! The kids don’t chose that life but there is nothing we can do about it. I just think paps shouldn’t be allowed to photograph the kids!
I NEVER said ANYTHING about Madonna or Jolie doing a photo shoot with their kids! That isn’t taking them to the playground or for a walk and having a bunch of creepy men flash cameras in their face! Kids should be able to go out in to the world and enjoy it and really live in it. Those photographers take a lot away from their childhood! It is unfair and should not be allowed.
Mileys bakrund!

Ska försöka få in den innan jag får den andra designen!
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Alla älskar ju Miley Cyrus! Eller hur?
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Söte Miley!
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